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Enrique Bryant (1920- ?) Mexican scenery
Bryant, Enrique

Date : C1950
Dimensions : 60 x 70 cm
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 Enrique Bryant peintre né aux Usa en 1920, promu Maestro en Artes Plasticas en 1949 au Mexique, où il fut lié à Rivera, Orozco, et Siqueiros.
Il fut actif en France et vécut à Montpellier à partir de 1973.

Born in 1920 in USA, Enrique Bryant was a painter of Mexican origin ; he was graduated "Maestro en Artes Plasticas" in 1949 in Mexico, where he was linked with mexican painters such as Rivera, Orozco, Siqueiros.
Active in France, where he settled (in Montpellier since 1973).

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